Listings provided to you by Marie Yngson

Marie Yngson

Marie Yngson



Cell: (604)783-0768


Philosophy of Business: To create a tradition of excellence in real estate through a commitment to the highest ethical business standards & practice. To deliver Quality Service through diligent research & skillful execution. To commit to a results-oriented approach. Through hard work and honest advice I provide: Accurate, current market statistics & trends so you know what your home is worth In-depth local information on zoning & development Helpful tips to maximize your home's value Timing & pricing stategies to help you take advantage of windows of opportunity to sell your home My background: More than 15 years of Marketing & Sales Success, skills & experience in marketing, negotiating, finance & business management Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Major in Marketing Management A Real Estate Professional first licensed in 2004 As a REALTOR, I am dedicated to selling your house or finding you the dream home you are searching for. Take your time to browse and find out how I work on your behalf to get you the results you hope for. Please call or send me a note. I would love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to be in direct touch with me. I am up-to-the minute on the current information and I am ready to guide you through Real Estate Market.

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